We would like to introduce ourselves as the NWL AiT representatives for the year 2022-23. A warm welcome to all the new ST1s. We really hope you are enjoying the training journey! We hope to provide a voice for GP trainees and act as a point of contact if there are any queries or concerns. We aim to encourage AiT membership and are committed to supporting you in your journeys.
There are many benefits from your RCGP membership! There are discounts from several outlets via RCGP Plus and access to the TOTUM NUS extra card. You can find full details on the RCGP website of how you may benefit.
Additionally, as part of your membership, if you are planning to revise for your AKT or simply increase your medical knowledge, GP SelfTest is free to access. There is also a suite of e-learning modules, courses and events you can access from around the country.
The Annual General Meeting (AGM), which is also the Faculty’s graduation evening for those recently CCTing, is due to take place on 30 November at 30 Euston Square. We hope to see some of you there! To those ST3s who are due to CCT and complete the MRCGP, do not forget to book your place at the RCGP New Members and Fellows Ceremony and congratulations!
Let us know how we can benefit you! We are keen and open to hearing your suggestions. In particular, if there are any courses or events you would like us to run as a faculty, please get in touch on northandwestlondon@rcgp.org.uk