Recorded Consultation Assessment (RCA)
In your ST3 training year, you will need to sit your final GP exam that as of 2020 is known as RCA. Just like the AKT, your supervisor is familiar with this examination. You will need to submit 13 recordings (6 of which are mandatory as set by RCGP) that can be face-to-face, telephone, or video recordings. Consenting is imperative in this process.
The three main examined components of this assessment include Interpersonal Skills, Data Gathering, and Clinical Management. The total score of this assessment is 234 with an average pass mark of 143. The cases need some element of complexity e.g. difficult social dynamic, polypharmacy, demanding patient, differing health beliefs, and patient with multiple problems etc. Focus on patient’s verbal cue and address their ideas, concerns, and expectation in every recording. Do not forget the power of summary at the end of your data gathering and incorporate patient’s verbal cue / ICE with this – you will score the needed marks.
Practical tips from previous trainee who scored highly on their RCA included:
Be organised – “work smart, not hard”
Scan econsults with reception team on a daily basis and book cases accordingly
Inform reception team of cases you finding difficult to book e.g. maternity
Scan everyone else clinic list the day before and move over patients to your list (gives the clinician the heads up).
Email all the clinicians to tell them the cases you “hunting” for
Speak to practice nurse / pharmacist /HCA for patients longterm condition
Longterm condition: your focus is on living with LTC e.g. work/home/finances/driving/mood
Use SDL time to book patients to come for recordings
Telephone consultation for cases requiring chaperone e.g. Gynae cases
Face to face consultation for MSK cases – easy marks for examination
Can even record home visit – makes you stand out and display true quality of GP
Must use timer to help you keep on time
Create excel document with traffic light system
Once you have a ‘passable’ / ‘green’ case in any category then move on and stop recording that category – otherwise you will burn out
Most important tip: Actively change your consultation style / communication based on RCA mark scheme and actively work on the feedback from your supervisor
Thanks to Dr Khalid Ameer for these tips.